Summer ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ

Summer Sessions Schedule Graphic 2024

Summer College Courses at ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ 2025

ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ makes it easy to study online at home or on campus over the summertime. There are many reasons to take a course over the summer including to fast-track graduation, pave the way for a semester abroad, or catch up. 

Quick Facts:

Who Can Attend ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ Summer Academic Programming?

Open to all college students, including:

ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ students: current, incoming, and transfer.

Students who attend other colleges or universities.

When Are Classes for Summer 2025?

Session A Online: May 5 – June 28
Summer B Online: June 30 – August 23
15-Week session: May 5 – August 8
Session C Residential: May 5 – June 20
Session D Residential: June 23 – August 8

Key 2025 Dates to Watch

Summer Schedule posted  - Feb 17
Residential Students, enrollment begins - March 17
Online Programs Summer Registration opens - March 24

Summer 2025 General Education Courses

Offered through either the residential or online campuses.

Course CodeCourse Name
BI122Concepts in Biology
BI215Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BI216Human Anatomy & Physiology II
CJ101Intro to Criminal Justice
CJ410Senior Seminar
COMM109Media Technology & Culture
COMM301Business & ProfessionalWriting
COMM302Data Analysis and Writing
COMM312Law Enf. Intercultural Comm.
CRMJ303The Study of Crime
CYBR400Cyber Capstone
EC201Principles of Economics Macro
EC202Principles of Economics Micro
ECON313Socio-Economic Studies
ECON401Economic Studies
EN110Writing and Inquiry I
EN111Writing and Inquiry II
EN220Children's Literature
EN222Intro to World Literatures
ENGL250Crime in Literature
ENGL270Military Literature
HI108History of Civilization II
HI121American History Survey I
HI230Topics: Civil War Staff Ride
HI260Topics in History
HIST210History of US Constitution
HIST310Historical Studies
HIST402Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
HIST425AmericanForeignPolicy 20thCent
HIST430Cold War: Sullivan Seminar
INTD200The Partridge Seminar
LEAD101NU Principles of Leadership
LEAD101NU Principles of Leadership
LEAD111Foundations of Leadership
MA102Mathematics: A Liberal Art II
MA102Mathematics: A Liberal Art II
MA107Precalculus Mathematics
MA108Applied Calculus
MA121Calculus I
MA122Calculus II
MA306Discrete Mathematics
MATH232Elementary Statistics
MG341Business Law I
NR103Nursing History & Health Prom.
NR365Pathopharmacology for Nurses
NR441Nursing Capstone
PH110Think! Intro to Philosophy
PH350Medical Ethics
PHLS205Critical Thinking
PHLS210Ethics in the Modern World
PHLS324Criminal Justice Ethics
PO105American Politics
POLS302National Security Policy
POLS306Comparative Politics
POLS318International Terrorism
PY210Psychology of Leadership
PY211Introduction to Psychology
RELG300Comparative Religion
SCIE202Procedures in Forensics
SCIE301Environmental Science
SCIE310Scien Basis of Sustainability
SO201Introduction to Sociology
SO214Racial & Cultural Minorities
SO216Soc of Health, Wellness & Med
SOCI220Cultural Issues & CJ System
SOCI401Culture and Anthropology
SOCI406Area Studies
SSDA315Insurgency & Conflict
SSDA325Law of Armed Conflict
SSDA400The Capstone Project

For complete Tuition, Fees, and Refund Information, please visit the Bursar's website.

Why Take Summer Courses?

Taking a class over the summer can help you graduate early or lessen your load during the regular school year. Here are even more benefits:

  • Gain personalized attention and one-on-one support in even smaller class sizes.
  • Flexible hours allow you to have a summer job while continuing your education.
  • Use summer school to get ahead, complete a second or third major, or tack on a minor to add specializations to your degree. 
  • Focus on difficult classes rather than feeling overwhelmed by multiple classes, extracurriculars, and/or Corps duties.
  • Reduce your workload for upcoming semesters.

Who Can Take ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ Summer Courses?

Courses are open to all college students, including ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ students and Students Students who attend other colleges or universities.

NOTE Important Dates RE: Viewing & Registering for Classes: Options for summer will not be made available until Feb. 17 for browsing classes, and March 17 at the earliest for seniors who need to register for summer classes. See the for dates.

ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ students: current, incoming, and transfer


Students who attend other colleges or universities

Non-ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ students are welcome to register for the courses you need to advance your academic path. For more information contact Admissions

Step 1:  

Step 2: Once accepted, register for classes. 

Non-ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ network access

STUDENTS: Before enrolling in summer classes, consult with your adviser at ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ or at your primary institution to be sure the courses you wish to take count toward your program of study.

Is There Financial Aid Available?

There are financial aid options if you're interested in summer courses. However, financial aid can vary depending on your circumstances. We recommend speaking with the to learn what financial support is available to you.

For students enrolled in at least 6 credit hours:

  • Pell Grant recipients may be eligible for summer Pell funding.
  • Students who have not used their full Federal Student Loan eligibility will be able to use their remaining amount for Summer School.

Students can apply for alternative loans that best meet their needs. Follow this link for a helpful starting point:  

All other financial aid questions should be addressed to the .

What About Veterans Benefits?

If you plan to use veterans benefits, you must be certified through the ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ certifying official. Visit our Veterans Affairs page for more information on using this benefit for paying for your summer courses.