International Center

Experiential Learning on a Global Stage

We live on a big, beautiful, diverse planet that is ripe for exploration. The global experience offered by ĻӰ allows you to see our world firsthand. Learn new things, discover perspectives that differ vastly from your own, and view your own culture through someone else's eyes, all while earning academic credit and building your résumé. Whether you aspire to graduate school or plan to enter the dynamic global job market, international experience gives you an advantage. 

“My mind’s made up — I’m going abroad! Now what?”

ĻӰ has developed partnerships with institutions of higher learning across the globe that offer semester-long exchange programs. Check out “Where Should I Study?” below to explore these partnerships by regions of the world. But you’re not limited to our partner institutions. Have your eye on a college or university that doesn’t appear on our list? Make an appointment with the International Center to explore all the options open to you.

“I’m not quite sure I can go abroad for a whole semester. What else is there?”

We’re glad you asked. Check out “More Featured Programs” below to explore even more opportunities for experiential learning beyond the boundaries of the ĻӰ campus. And how about this — the Maymester program is open to all college students, whether you’re enrolled at ĻӰ or at another institution.

You’ll never know unless you ask.

Whether you’re 100% decided or nowhere near decided, we’re here to answer your questions. Remember, a conversation costs only a little bit of time, and it could change your life. 

Melanie Centeno at 1 (802) 485-2797 or


The choice is yours. We offer nearly 20 different programs in 11 countries. Research our available programs, then visit us in the International Center, located in Plumley Armory, to further discuss your options. We can help you figure out which program works best for you based on your interests and your major. Note: The majority of these programs are semester-long. If you're looking for an upcoming Maymester, . 

So, why study abroad? You'll be able to see the world while also furthering your education. That sounds pretty good to us. On top of that, there are a few other reasons study abroad might be the right choice for you.

Expand your leadership skills.

ĻӰ prepares students to serve as leaders in their careers, their communities, and throughout the world. Leaders who experience living overseas can enhance their ability to incorporate culturally diverse perspectives into their leadership and communication styles.

Learn a new language, or put a second language to use.

The best way to become fluent in a language is to be immersed in it. Learning a foreign language involves a variety of skills that can enhance your ability to learn and function in several other areas and open up a world of opportunities.


Become an expert traveler, navigating airports with ease while also earning college credits. While abroad, weekends and academic breaks allow you time to venture out and discover your surroundings. You’ll return to ĻӰ with exciting stories of your experiences that you can share with friends.

Gain a new perspective on world affairs.

Expand your knowledge of the world first-hand by seeing it, touching it, and experiencing it.

Develop new abilities.

Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting presents you with an opportunity to discover new strengths, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems.

Challenge yourself.

If you’ve never been on your own or far away from home, don’t worry! Many students studying abroad report that they returned to ĻӰ with a newfound sense of independence and pride.

Gain a competitive edge for graduate school admissions.

If you wish to continue your higher education into either a master’s or a doctorate program, a study abroad experience can give you a competitive edge.

Learn more about yourself.

Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and perspectives about themselves and their own culture. Encounters with other cultures enable students to see their own culture through new eyes.

Meet new people and make new friends.

While abroad, you’ll meet not only people of the culture in which you are studying, but also other study-abroad students from around the U. S. and other countries.

Become prepared for the increasingly globalized business world.

Globally minded employees are in high demand. International experience is a critical and impressive part of any résumé. In addition to the personal growth you’ll undergo while overseas, the international and cross-cultural skills you’ll develop can expand your employment opportunities and, consequently, your income potential.

Exploring and Applying

Why should I participate in an education abroad program?   
Education abroad can sharpen your critical thinking skills, deepen your capacity for independent problem-solving, offer hands-on learning experience in your academic field, strengthen your abilities as a leader, and provide priceless global competency for the increasingly connected world of the 21st century.

When should I go?   
Students must have a ĻӰ GPA to study abroad and are not permitted to study abroad during the semester that they intend to graduate. Aside from that, when you study abroad is up to you in consultation with your academic adviser.

Can I go abroad for more than one semester? Is there a maximum?   
Yes, you may be able to go for more than one summer and/or more than one semester. Keep in mind, it is important to meet with both the International Center and your academic adviser; planning is key.

Am I required to go to a location where I can get major/minor credit?   
Not necessarily. You should choose a location where you can take coursework that contributes to your degree completion. Some students save electives so that they have more flexibility in choosing a location. Other students, especially in the STEM fields, are more likely to need to take major/minor courses abroad.

How early can I start applying?   
You should start planning your overseas experience as soon as possible, but you will apply during the semester before the term that you intend to travel.

Can I apply to more than one program?   
You should only apply to one program at a time, but you can go abroad more than once.

Is the education abroad application process competitive?   
This depends on your program. Some programs are competitive and others are first-come-first-served.


Is there a minimum required GPA?   
All students must have a 2.5 or above GPA at ĻӰ. Some programs may require a higher GPA.

Can only certain majors study abroad?   
All majors can study abroad, but it may be more difficult for some majors to find programs that fit their schedules and degree requirements. For students like this summer, service-learning, and faculty-led programs may be the best options.

Do I have to speak a foreign language?   
No, there are some programs available partially or entirely in English. But you should expect that if you travel to a non-English-speaking country that you will need to learn basic communication in the local language.

My program requires two semesters of a college-level language — what does this mean? This typically means that the program wants students to have completed all of the beginning level of the language and be ready to start the intermediate level.


Is there a list of the courses that count for my major/minor abroad?   
In consultation with you academic advisor, you should create a list of the courses that you must take while abroad or that you have the option of taking while abroad. From that list you can search for programs that meet those course needs.

Will all the courses that I take be awarded ĻӰ credit?   
All of the courses that you PASS may be awarded ĻӰ credit if you have the courses approved prior to your departure. If you withdraw from of fail a course while abroad, you will not bring back credit for that course.

Is there a limit on the number of units I can transfer to ĻӰ?   
You must have completed 60 credits at ĻӰ by graduation in order to receive a ĻӰ degree and 45 of your last 60 credits must be earned at ĻӰ. You can transfer credits up to these limits.

Can I take general education courses abroad?   
This may be possible, but you should confirm with your academic advisor.

Can I take classes on a no-credit basis?   
Some programs offer coursework, internships, or service-learning without credit. You should check whether this is offered for the program you are considering.

Can I receive credit for an internship abroad?   
Yes, there are for-credit international internships.

Overseas Travel and Housing

Does ĻӰ arrange my travel?   
The senior coordinator for Education Abroad will help you to make plans and logistical arrangements for your experience. This may include assistance with arrangements for flights, accommodation, in-country travel, insurance and other travel needs.

What kind of travel documents will I need?   
All students need to have a valid passport from their country of citizenship in order to travel abroad. You may also need a study or work visa depending on the type of travel you are planning and how long you will be in your host country. The International Center also recommends that students traveling abroad obtain an International Student Identification Card (ISIC). You can find the application on the forms (need link) section of the website.

What are the overseas living arrangements?   
These vary by program. Some programs offer residence halls. Some offer apartment-style living. Others may offer the chance to live with a host family in a homestay.

I live in ĻӰ housing. What should I do about my contract through the housing office if I go abroad?   
You should let the housing office know when you are applying to study abroad. They can arrange to dismiss you from your contract for the term that you are overseas.

Costs and financial aid

Can I afford to study abroad?   
Almost all students can afford to study abroad if they plan carefully, take advantage of scholarship opportunities, and choose a program in their reasonable price range.

Can I use my financial aid to go overseas?   
You may use your federal financial aid to go overseas. International studies majors, Chinese majors, and students traveling to the ĻӰ CityLab:Berlin program or one of ĻӰ’s exchange partners may also use their ĻӰ institutional aid.

Are there any scholarships available?   
Yes. The Politi Scholarship exists at ĻӰ to help students fund overseas travel. There are also national scholarships such as the Gilman (for Pell grant recipients) and the Boren and scholarships offered by specific programs. You can find information about these and many other scholarships on our funding page.

Can I work abroad?   
There are some programs that permit students to work abroad.


Could I talk to a student who has studied abroad?   
Yes. Please contact Melanie Centeno at 1 (802) 485-2797 or to arrange a meeting. 

I still have a lot of questions. What should I do next?   
If you have not yet done so, you should attend an Education Abroad 101 session. Check back soon for details. 


Maymester is a three-week study-abroad opportunity popular with students who want the international experience in a more compact package.

It takes place in May, hence the name, after the conclusion of the spring semester, leaving time for that summer job. The Maymester program is open to ĻӰ students as well as students enrolled in other universities. The 2019 Maymesters for example, included offerings in Prague, Trier, Berlin, and Singapore.

Interested in an upcoming Maymester? Click button below to access form, and search for Maymester offerings:


Study Away is similar to Study Abroad, except stateside. Are you interested in an immersive experience but prefer to concentrate your energies on your home soil? ĻӰ is developing partnerships with institutions to offer semester-long, immersive learning experiences in the domestic United States. We presently partner with two U.S.-based institutions for Study Away.


American University

Who can go?

Seniors majoring in business and economics, criminal justice, international studies, political science, or studies in war and peace, who have a desire to intern with institutions located in the Washington D.C. area that take on national and global concerns.

What can I study?

Internships are available in the following concentrations:

American Politics 
Foreign Policy 
Global Economics and Business 
International Law and Organizations 
Journalism and New Media 
Justice and Law 
Public Health 
Sustainable Development 
You must receive ĻӰ approval and gain acceptance to American University to attend for the semester.

Woods Hole, Massachusetts


Who can go? 

Seniors in the sciences and engineering with a strong desire for research experience. Ideal for those interested in graduate-level research in an oceanographic discipline.

What can I study?

Classes are research-focused and tailored to either a science or engineering application related to oceanography.